
Antenatal Self-referral Form

Please complete this form in order to make a self referral for antenatal care at Milton Keynes University Hospital. In order to help us understand your individual needs, please answer the questions as fully as possible.

This will ensure that you are booked for the most appropriate care.


Milton Keynes University Hospital

Having a baby can be an anxious time for you and your family. To help you understand some of the processes that will happen during your stay on the Labour Ward, their teams have put together this information booklet to explain everything in a little more detail. It will also include practical information such as parking and places to eat.

To get in touch with any of their maternity services, please use the contact numbers below.

  • Antenatal Day Assessment Unit (ADAU) Telephone: 01908 996 481
  • Antenatal Telephone: 01908 995 238
  • Community midwifery Telephone: 01908 996 484 (Monday – Friday, 09:00 – 17:00). Outside of hours, please leave a message. For immediate concerns, contact the labour ward
  • Labour ward Telephone: 01908 996 471
  • Screening Telephone: 01908 995 236

Baby Buddy App

Baby Buddy is an award winning mobile phone app for new parents and parents-to-be, created by mums, doctors and midwives.

Download from: Google Play: Baby Buddy

Download from: iTunes: Baby Buddy

The National Breastfeeding Helpline

The National Breastfeeding Helpline offers a web chat breastfeeding support service for mums and their supporters in the UK.



BabyCentre® — the #1 pregnancy and parenting digital resource — reaches more than 45 million mums globally each month in 9 different languages. We reach 8 in 10 new and expecting mums online in the UK.


Download from: Google Play: Babycentre

Download from: iTunes: Babycentre