Attached Staff
Community Nurses
District Nurses provide skilled nursing care, and can help patients to become as independent as possible within their own home. They can also liaise with other agencies (eg occupational therapy social services). They will advise and support families/carers on a healthy life style and how to prevent complications from their disease. Please contact the team on 01908 725379. Please note they are not based at our surgery, and are not employed by us.
Health Visitors
Health visitors are specialist nurses trained in child development and health education to provide advice, information and support to all families. The health visitors can be contacted on 01908 725100. They are not based at our surgery. They also offer:
- Parenting classes
- Development assessments
- Behaviour clinics
- Healthy life style groups
- Baby clinics.
Please call 01908 725100 to contact them. Please note they are not based at our surgery and are not employed by us.