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Access to health records

Access to Health Records

What is your preferred format to receive your records? *

Records Requested

Please choose one of the following options: *


I declare that the information given by me is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I am entitled to apply for access to my/the patient’s health records referred to above under the terms of GDPR.

This includes under full parental responsibility that you confirm the patient has either consented to making this request, or is incapable of understanding the request.

If applying for someone else’s records, the written consent needs to be within the last three months.

Please confirm: *
Please indicate: *
Enter full name
Upload a photograph or document:
Maximum upload size: 67.11MB

You are advised that making of false or misleading statements in order to obtain personal information to which you are not entitled is a criminal offence which could lead to prosecution.