Cases of measles are rising in England. Measles is very infectious and spreads easily between people who have not been vaccinated, especially in nurseries and schools.
Measles is a serious illness. Some children with measles need to be admitted to hospital. Measles can cause pneumonia and inflammation (swelling) of the brain. Sometimes it can cause long term health problems or death.
Measles is prevented by vaccination. Two MMR vaccinations provide excellent life-long protection from catching measles.
If your child has not been vaccinated and has close contact with someone with measles, they may be asked to stay at home and miss school or be kept away from childcare/nursery for 21 days. Vaccination can help keep your child in school or in childcare.
You can check your child’s vaccinations by looking at their personal child health record (Red Book) or by asking your GP.
Your child needs two MMR vaccines to be fully protected. The first MMR vaccine is offered when children turn one. The second when they are about 3 years and 4 months old. If your child has missed one or both vaccines they can catch up at any time. Adults who have missed MMR vaccinations can still be vaccinated – it is never too late.
To arrange a vaccine please contact your GP practice.
You can find more information about measles here:
You can find out more about the MMR vaccine here: