What is the NHS App?
The NHS App is owned and run by the NHS. It can be
accessed by anyone aged 13 and over registered with an
NHS GP surgery in England or Isle of Man.
Once you have verified your identity in the app, you
will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health
services and information.
It doesn’t replace existing services. You can still contact your GP surgery in the usual ways.
How you can use the NHS App
Access services
- request repeat
request prescriptions without
having to contact your GP
surgery, and choose where
you want to collect them - check for GP surgery
find and book appointments
without having to call your
surgery - contact your GP surgery
request care or information
from your GP surgery using an
online form - use 111 online
check if you need urgent
medical help - browse NHS
health information
use our health A to Z to
read about symptoms and
treatments - browse NHS
medical information
use our medicines A to Z to
read about side effects and
other common questions - find NHS services
look for services near you
Manage your health
- view your GP
health record
view your medical history,
test results, allergies,
medicines and documents - manage appointments
check and change
appointments at your
GP surgery and hospital,
including hospital referrals
and waiting list information - manage prescriptions
check the status of your
prescription requests and
view confirmed prescriptions - make your health choices
register your organ donation
decision, choose if your
health data can be shared
for research purposes, and
decide about taking part in
health studies - view care plans
depending on your GP
surgery, you may be able
to view and manage plans
about how would you like
your healthcare team to look after you
Account and settings
- manage your account
update your login and
contact information - change settings
change your app settings,
including whether you get
notifications about new
Read and send messages
- receive messages
and notifications
view messages from your GP
surgery and get notifications
through your phone or
tablet - send and reply
to messages
you may be able to send or
reply to some messages
Help someone else
- switch profiles
access the health records,
appointments and
prescriptions of people you
care for, including children
You can also use these services by
logging in through the NHS website
To download the
NHS App, scan here