Dr Emma Huish is retiring!

After over 35 years of dedicated service and compassionate care with the NHS, 30 of those as a GP at CMK Medical Centre, Dr Emma Huish will be retiring at the end of March 2024.

We are immensely grateful for her commitment to the well-being of our patients throughout her career with us. Please join us in extending our warmest wishes to Dr.Huish as she embarks on this new chapter of her life. Her dedication to the practice and our patients has made a lasting impact, and she will be sincerely missed.

All of Dr Huish’s patients will be transferred to the care of Dr Sarah Syed.

We understand that transitions in General Practitioners can be unsettling, but please be assured that we are committed to ensuring continuity of care for all our patients. Dr Syed has been working with the surgery for the past 4 years.

If you would like to send Dr Huish good wishes for her retirement, this can be done via reception, or by email to cmkmc.prescriptions@nhs.net