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Diabetes annual review

You can expect a yearly review of your diabetes with a Health Care Professional from your GP surgery.

They will monitor the 15 health checks as recommended by Diabetes UK.
This is to reduce the chance of diabetes complications.

Prior to this check you will receive a request to attend for a blood test. The review takes place in two parts: a data collection appointment and, where appropriate, a follow up care plan appointment. If you feel you have been missed, require a more urgent review, or do not receive an appointment for a yearly check, please contact the administration team at your surgery.

General information about the diabetes care you can expect from your GP or information about what is a diabetes annual review.

For further information on going for regular check-ups, please visit the NHS Conditions page.

Diabetes education

Diabetes education is essential for successful diabetes management. Evidence proves that, by understanding more about diabetes, health outcomes improve and the onset of serious complications reduces.

Diabetes education is provided by Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to all patients registered with a Milton Keynes GP practice. For more information about the courses available please email:

Type 2 Diabetes

To access a course either speak with a member of your GP practice team or alternatively there is a self-referral access route available via the DESMOND service on,

Foot care for patients living with Diabetes

If you have diabetes and are suffering with foot problems such as foot ulcers (open wounds), infections or pain please speak to your GP to arrange a referral to Podiatry or call the Podiatry service directly on 01908 724766 to discuss your needs.

Foot care is one of the most overlooked but important aspects of diabetes management. A foot check forms part of your annual review with your diabetes nurse. People with diabetes are more likely to have serious foot problems which, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications such as ulceration, infection and ultimately amputation.

If you have a foot ulcer and are feeling unwell and are experiencing any of the following symptoms such as; a fever, light headedness, feeling breathless or vomiting, please seek urgent medical advice from the emergency department at your local hospital.

In Milton Keynes, services are available for early identification of foot problems. Your GP can refer you to the Milton Keynes Podiatry Service who work in conjunction with our specialist Multi-Disciplinary Foot Care Service. The Milton Keynes Podiatry Service provides assessment, treatment and advice for people with painful and complicated skin, nail or mechanical foot problems including for people with diabetes. Alternatively, there is a self-referral option available. Further information about the service is available at

Psychological support (IAPT) for people living with Diabetes

Some patients living with diabetes may experience rapid changes in mood and other symptoms such as fatigue, feeling low, anxiety or depression. If you have diabetes and are developing any such symptoms then please speak to your GP for referral to the Milton Keynes Talking Therapies Service.

In Milton Keynes we offer different psychological support / intervention to patients with long term conditions for people who have developed low grade mental health issues. For more information about the Milton Keynes Talking Therapies Service and self-referral access, please visit

Weight management services for people living with Diabetes

Diabetes Adult Weight management programmes is provided by MoreLife, designed to create long-lasting shifts in behaviour, providing the tools and support needed to achieve health goals.

You can either self-refer or get referred by your GP. For more information regarding
Health Weight Management services or all referrals, including self-referrals please visit

Diabetes retinal screening

All people aged 12 and over with diabetes (Type 1 and Type2) are offered annual eye screening appointments. The only exceptions are people with diabetic eye disease who are already under the care of an ophthalmology specialist. Diabetes Retinal Screening is an NHS annual screening programme and it’s part of your annual check. Please speak to your GP or nurse to get a referral.

If you would like to know more about diabetic eye screening then please visit the NHS website. Information about the diabetic eye screening programme offered at Milton Keynes University NHS Foundation Trust Hospital is also available.

For carers seeking support

Following are some of the support services available in Milton Keynes to support your carer.

There are various support services available for carers in Milton Keynes;

  • DESMOND Diabetes Education

    To access a course either speak with a member of your GP practice team or alternatively there is a self-referral access route available via the DESMOND service.



Page published: 22 November 2023
Last updated: 9 July 2024